Thursday, February 16, 2012

Treasure Chest Thursday: W.V. Chandler et al to I.W. Davenport

Old Deeds are truly a treasure chest ready to open- perfect for Treasure Chest Thursday!

W.V. Chandler et al to I.W. Davenport

Page 245
The State of South Carolina

Know all men by these presents, that we W.V. Chandler, H.E. Davenport, Robert Davenport, James I. Davenport and Viola Davis in the State of aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to us in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents by I.W. Davenport the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the...

[next line illegible- bottom line of page did not scan well]

Page 246
tract of land situate, lying and being in the County of Greenville and State aforesaid, containing one hundred and ten 88/100 acres, more or less, in Dunklin Township, being part of the real estate of the late W.G. Vance and a portion of the tract conveyed by Sicily Vance, Samuel G. Vance, W.S. Cox, and E.O. Cox to Susan Elliott Chandler by deed recorded in the RMC office in Book EE, page 184.  The tract hereby conveyed being fully described an a plat made by J.D. Sullivan and dated 21-22 January 1870, and being tract No. 1 [or 7?] on said plat, and being the same where on the said Susan Elliott Chandler (then Susan Elliott Davenport) lived at the time of her death, and bounded by lands of the late F.M. Davenport, estate of Wm. S. Vance, Wm Scott and Robert Ellison. 

Together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining.  To have and to hold all and singular the said premises before mentioned unto I.W. Davenport his heirs and assigns forever, And we do hereby bind our heirs executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises into the said I.W. Davenport, his heirs and assigns against us and our heirs lawfully claiming or to claim the same of any part there of, witness our hands and seals this 19th day of November A.D. 1897, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight-hundred and ninety seven, and in the one hundred and 22nd year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America,

[signed by:]
W.V. Chandler (seal)
H.E. Davenport (seal)
R.W. Davenport (seal)
J.I. Davenport (seal)
Viola Davis (seal)
J.I. Davenport (seal) [The following was printed to the side:] FM Settemaier Ottilie Jenisch witness as to signature of J.I. Davenport

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
W.B. Rains
J.H. Traynham
J.N. Coggins
W.P. Blackburn
W.H. Cheney, A.D. Bass

State of South Carolina
Greenville County...
[next line illegible- bottom line of page did not scan well]

Paged 247
and made oath that he saw the within named H.E. & Rbt Davenport & Viola Davis sign seal and as their act and deed deliver the within written deed and that he with W.B. Rains, witnessed the execution there of, sworn to before me this 17(19?) day of November A.D. 1897.
                                                                                                            J.H. Traynham
W.R. Rains (seal)
Nat. Pub, So. Ca.

The State of Georgia
Banks County

I W.B. Blackburn do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that Mrs. W.V. Chandler the wife of the within named W.V. Chandler, did this day appear before me and upon being privately and separately examined by me did declare that she does freely voluntarily and without any compulsion dread or fear of any person or persons whom so ever renounce release and forever relinquish unto the within named I.W. Davenport his heirs and assigns all her interest and estate and also all her right and claim of dower, of in or to all and singular the premises within mentioned and released, given under my hand and seal this the 22 day of November A.D. 1897. 
                                                                                                J.N. Coggins Free[?] Holder
                                                                                                W.P. Blackburn J.P.
Tina Chandler (seal)

State of Tennessee
Hamilton County

Personally before me D.J. Manning Not. Pub. came A.D. Bass and made oath that he saw the within named Jas I. Davenport, sign, seal and as his act and deed deliver the written Deed and that he with W.H. Cheney witnessed the execution thereof, Sworn to before me this 4th day of December 1897.
                                                                                                W.H. Cheney
D.J. Manning (LS)
Notary Public

State of Tennessee
Hamilton County

Personally appeared before me D.J. Manning a Notary Public in and for the county aforesaid the undersigned J.I. Davenport, who acknowledged the foregoing signature to deed to be done for the purpose therein appeared[?] Given under my hand and Notary __ this Nov. 23rd 1897.
[next line illegible- bottom line of page did not scan well]

Page 248
The State of Georgia
Banks County

Personally before me W.D. Lewis N.P. for Habersham Co GA, came[?] J.N. Coggins and made oath that he saw the within named W.V. Chandler sign seal and as his act and deed deliver the within Deed, and that he with W.P. Blackburn witnessed the execution thereof.

Sworn to before me this 7th day of December 1897,
                                                                                                            J.N. Coggins

W.D. Lewis (LS)
Not. Pub.

Recorded for 23rd Dec. 1897

***Transcribed by: Julie Ellenburg Wingate
14 February 2012

[Transcriber’s note:  no additions or corrections have been made with the exception of the title on the first line, W.V. Chandler et al to I.W. Davenport.  Any questions or notes are within [brackets] as shown here.  Several words were difficult to read.  If I was unsure about a word being correct I added [?] behind the word.]

[Transcriber’s additional information about individuals:

William Vance Chandler was the only child of Pinckney Lafayette Chandler and Susan Elliotte Vance Chandler.  After his father died in 1868, his mother later remarried Ira William Davenport.  Susan and Ira had many more children.  Some of these children were: H.E. Davenport, Robert Davenport, James I. Davenport and Viola Davis.

-W.V. Chandler:  Dr. William Vance Chandler; Will Chandler was my great-grandfather. -H.E. Davenport:  Henry Eugene Davenport (my grandfather called him “Uncle Bub,” married to Charlsie Brimer)
-Robert Davenport:  Robert West Davenport (my grandfather called him “Uncle Bob”)
-James I. Davenport:  (I think he’s James Ira Davenport but I’m not positive, he was in Arkansas by 1903 and settled in Washington state by 1910).
-Viola Davis:  Viola Davenport Davis (Mrs. Tom D. Davis)
-I.W. Davenport: Ira William Davenport (husband of Susan Elliotte Vance Chandler Davenport; step-father to Will Chandler)
-W.G. Vance:  William Gilmer Vance (father of Susan Elliotte Vance Chandler Davenport; husband of Sicily Devenport Vance)
-Sicily Vance:  Sicily Devenport Vance (please note- her maiden name is Devenport not Davenport, Mrs. William Gilmer Vance, mother of Susan Elliotte Vance Chandler Davenport)
-Samuel G. Vance:  son of M/M W.G. Vance, brother of Susan, husband of Alice Devenport
-Susan Elliott Chandler:  Susan Elliotte Vance Chandler Davenport, mother of 5 listed above
-F.M. Davenport: probably Francis Marion Devenport, father in law of Samuel Vance (Alice’s father)
-estate of Wm. S. Vance: unsure but feel this must mean William Gilmer Vance 
-J.H. Traynham: James Hembree “Coon” Traynham, married Samuel Vance’s daughter Lena, my grandfather called him “Uncle Coon.”
-Mrs. W.V. Chandler:  Tallulah Christine Jones Chandler, wife of Dr. W.V. Chandler, was a newlywed living in Baldwin, Habersham County, GA.

-One unusual bit of information about these individuals:
“FM Settemaier Ottilie Jenisch witness as to signature of J.I. Davenport”

FM Settemaier was buried in Lewis County, Washington in 1910.  Ottilie Jenisch was also there and she signed a deed regarding both FM Settemaier and James I. Davenport in Lewis County, Washington on 25 August 1910.  You can find more information here:
I will search for more information about these individuals.]
 photo WVChandler19Nov1897PG3_01.jpg  photo WVChandler19Nov1897PG2_01.jpg  photo WVChandler19Nov1897PG1_01.jpg