Monday, November 16, 2009

W.B. Buffington mentioned in "1903 Epitomized" from The Gainesville Eagle

The Gainesville Eagle Newspaper, Gainesville, GA

Date: 21 Jan. 1904

1903 Epitomized.

Local Events of Interest of the Past Year in Diary Form for Reference.


1. City officers chosen for 1903 by City Council.

2. Dr. E.E. Dixon critically ill.

8. Celebrated Bellton municipal contest heard by ordinary of Banks county.

9. Boiler at Whaley's gin exploded, hurting two men.

10. Gainesville Cotton Mill director authorized issue of $350,000 preferred stock.

12. County Commissioners elected road overseers for districts.

13. Chamber of Commerce elected officers.

13. Train-load cloth left New Holland cotton mill, bound for Shanghai, China.

15. Carter Bros. Co. applied for charter.

15. Gainesville post-office receipts for 1902 reported to be about $9,000.

19. Hall superior court convened.

19. Lee's birthday observed by Daughters of Confederacy.

20. Seventeen divorce cases heard in Hall superior court.

21. Gainesville Medicine Co. granted charter.

21. Jno. T. Waters and W.D. Hawkins elected county commissioners by grand jury.

24. First? car on electric line ran from Southern R.R. depot to Brenau.

25. John Coffee died at Lula.

29. Mrs. J.A. Young died.


2. Gainesville Ice Co. decided to enlarge its factory.

1. Dr. Emmett E. Dixon died.

8. Electric line began schedule to New Holland.

5. Mrs. H.C. Flowers died.

2. Work going forward planning for Confederate monument on public square.

9. Thos. M. Bell announced for congress against F. C. Tate.

15. Work began on Chattahoochee Park electric line.

16. City court convened.

19. Five new R.F.D. mail routes announced for Gainesville.

17. First carload freight shipped over electric line to Pacelot.

14. Bill introduced to provide for a post-office building for Gainesville.

20. W.B. Buffington lost an arm in a cotton gin.

25. Body of unknown negro found in creek near Flowery Branch.

27. Lemuel Brooks, aged 86, died at Candler.

27. Jeff Baugh attempted life of Miss Annie Pitman of Bellton.


1. Mr. B.L. Potter, aged 81, died at his son's home, Green Street.

5. North Georgia Gold Co. applied for charter.

10. Hall county commissioners talked bond issue for building better roads.

7. Thos. Brown run over by car on Main street and badly hurt.

12. Col. C.C. Sanders wrote from Palestine, where he was touring.

17. Candler Ashford hurt by fall from electric pole.

14. Fletcher Farmer knocked from Southern R.R. track; wagon smashed, driver unhurt.

17. Drs. M.M. and E.P. Ham enjoined trolley line; Drs. Bailey and Daniel bought Ham property and stopped injunction.

19. Final deals made for electric line's right-of-way to Chattahoochee Park.

20. Lightning fired W.H. Cochran's residence, Main street.

26. Gainesville Shoe & Clothing Co. asked for charter.

19. Arrangements made for sewerage system for city.

28. Rev. L. Williams died at Flowery Branch.


2. Planters' Oil Mill applied for charter.

2. "Greater Georgia" meeting for Gainesville at court house.

6. Five sites offered for post-office building.

8. Wm. Waldrip and Pledger Bonds drowned in Chattahoochee near Brown's Bridge.

12. Body of Wm. Waldrip found after four days search.

13. Severest hailstorm of decade visited Hall county, heaviest fall on Factory Hill.

19. Body of Pledger Bonds found after 11 days search.

18. Frank Redmond shot by Chief of Police Parks; officer exonerated by coroner's jury.

27. Memorial Day exercises held at court house.

27. Rev. A. Van Hoose died at Breman, aged 85.

29. G.J. & S.R.R. case called in special term of Hall superior court.

28. Mrs. W.W. Blair died at Judge J.B.M. Winburn's.


6. City tax assessors find Gainesville real estate has increased in value $272,970 over 1902.

1. Daughters of Confederacy give "Trip around the World."

15. Dirt broken for new public school building.

13. Grand Council I.O.R.M. of Georgia, selected Gainesville for meeting in 1904.

24. Brenau began its 24th annual commencement occasion.

10. Harry Davis of Norfolk, Va., died at Ervin's boarding house from injuries received? while stealing a ride on Southern R.R. freight train.

11. Mrs. Gus Lowe hanged herself near A.J. Julian's home.

17. City public schools commencement preached.

15. Fireman Jno. A. Davis killed by his own train at Southern depot.

23. Wiley Tanner, married six weeks, died at his home, Chestnut Mountain. Cause of his death mysterious. His wife, formerly Miss Onie Duncan, held to answer to charge of poisoning.

24. Insane negro hides in Mr. Bud Howington's chimney near Bellmont.

25. B.W. Reed, sr., attempted suicide, Morgan's distrcit.

25. Work going forward macadamizing Main street.

27. Mr. T.H. Robertson of this city elected grand warden, I.O.O.F. of Georgia.

28. Survey for sewer system completed.


1. Cyclone ploughed its way through south end of city, spreading death, destruction and desolation from Gainesville Cotton Mills to New Holland; 125 killed, many more injured, property loss estimated at $400,000.

2. Entire county responded with financial aid and personal assistance- subscriptions to storm sufferers reaching $30,000.

4. Rescue work continued in rain; 50 funerals occurred at New Holland in an hour. Relief headquarters opened and hospitals improvised at New Holland and at county court house.

6. Preliminary hearing of Mrs. Onie Tanner for poisoning her husband, had today.

7. Thousand visited Gainesville to view the scenes of cyclone. Gainesville raised $500 to sufferers from cloudburst in S.C.

11. Wounded in hospitals improved nicely.

15. Colored hospital closed.

15. County school enumerators began their work.

17. Judge Kimsey renders decision in G.J. & S.R.R. case.

18. Railroad line surveyed to Pyrites mines.

22. Wholesale jail delivery from Hall county prison.

22. City teachers elected.

22. City and county invited to suppress vagrancy.

23. Storm relief commissary closed.

24. Brenau summer school opened.

25. City sexton Jno. W. Bailey died.

27. Fifty-four applicants to teach in county schools examined.

28. Great Thanksgiving exercises at auditorium, expressing gratefulness for all assistance rendered to tornado sufferers.

29. Mr. J.P. Flanders died suddenly at M.C. Brown's home.


1. Work progressing rebuilding factories, stores, and homes destroyed or damaged by storm.

1. White hospital closed.

2. Mrs. W.B. Bell, mother of Clerk superior court, Hall county, died.

2. City census reported population of Gainesville, 6,009.

5. Mr. J.M. Towery, one of the old- [*transcribers note- this was an incomplete sentence- see below 4 lines]

7. County school census reports 4, 918 children of school age, excluding city and city district.

12. Gen. James Longstreet quite ill.

12. 52 persons baptized by Rev. D.S. Grindle, at New Holland.

est members of the local bar, died. [*transcribers note- this was an incomplete sentence- probably continuation from July 5th]

13. New Holland hospital closed.

17. Baptist S.S. Institute convened.

20. Suit off and decree issued for sale of G.J. & S.R.R., Hall superior court, special term.

21. Bob Roberts, young white man, met awful death by being run over by train on Southern R.R.

22. Tax digest showed increase of $305, 306 in Hall county property.

27. Mrs. Onie Tanner, charged with poisoning her husband, admitted to $2,000 bail; trial set for Sept. 22.


5. City council decided to build system of sewers.

6. Atlanta, Buford, and Gainesville Electric R.R. Co. applies for charter.

8. Mrs. M.F. VanHoose died.

8. Mrs. B.B. Landers died.

17. Hall county democratic executive committee selected. Sept. 30 fixed as date of white primary for city court judge and solicitor.

17. Geo. C. Clements died.

18. Work began on new Chestnut Street Baptist church.

19. City tax rate fixed at $1.00.

20. Messrs. L.G. Potter and B.H. Whelchel hurt in wreck on Gainesville Electric Line.

28. "Military Day."

31. City schools open: attendance, _00.


1. Five new R.F.D. routes begin operation.

2. Gainesville's first bale of cotton for season marketed; brought $73.06.

7. Mrs. H.T. Martin died.- Rev. A.

8. Merck died. [*transcriber's note- should probably read "Rev. A. Merck died."]

8. Henry C. Deadwyler, of Harmony Grove, found dead near railroad north of New Holland. Six negroes arrested on suspicion.

16. Brenau begins 26th year.

16. Judge Jno. B. Estes, prominent citizen and jurist, died.

21. "Oakwood district" petitions for organization.

24. Eagle began printing by electric power.

26. Six negroes bound over for killing of H.C. Deadwyler.

30. Primary for judge and solicitor city court chose G.H. Prior and F.M. Johnson.


1. Mrs. Sallie Duckett, mother of Deputy Sheriff Duckett, died.

2. Government accepts property corner of Washington and Green streets for post-office site; price, $5,000.

2. Col. J.L. Baird, veteran of Mexican war, died.

3. Mr. J.R. Barnes accidentally killed by train near Montgomery, Ala.

7. Cornerstone of new public school building laid.

8. Chattahoochee Baptist Association met at Flat Creek in 79th session.

11. A.O. King, aged citizen, killed [*transcribers note- this was an incomplete sentence- see 2 lines below]

15. Work on city sewer system begun.

by train near Bellton. [*transcribers note- this was an incomplete sentence- probably continuation from Oct. 11th]

31. Messrs. W.O. Petty and J.B. Lipscomb exchange shots.


2. Candler Horse Guards Carnival.

10. A law and order league, 200 best citizens of the city, enthusiastically and determinedly organize for suppression of blind-tigers and dives; $550 raised to enforce laws.

14. Bud Smith appointed special "tiger" bailiff.

19. Eagle publishes petition for liquor election with list of signers.

20. County Commissioners decide to build new jail.

22. Ordinary ordered local option election for Dec. 14th.

23. Mrs. Onie Tanner on trial, call term superior court, for murder.

23. Rev. M.L. Troutman sent to First M.E. church and Rev. R.M. Dixon to Myrtle Street for 1904.

26. Dozens deny publicly signing election petition.

26. Campaign against blind tigers goes vigorously forward.

27. Mrs. Onie Tanner acquitted.

27. John W. Eden died at Klondike.


4. Five negroes convicted of killing H.C. Deadwyler on excursion train; sentenced to terms in penitentiary.

5. White primary selects: Mayor, Howard Thompson; Councilmen, Hudson, Allen, and Bell.

10. Mrs. Mary Woodward died.

14. Local option election; Hall went dry by 1,518- over 7 to 1.

15. Sidney Smith won medal for Hall county in North Georgia Oratorical contest.

23. W.H. Craig elected to City Council.

-Microfilm in possession of Hall County Library, Gainesville Branch, Gainesville, GA

1 comment:

  1. Trains were certainly dangerous back then!
